Probate can be complex. There’s a lot to do and it has to be done properly.
For most, applying for probate and administering a complex Estate can be daunting. But, as accountants, licenced to provide probate services, our knowledge of accounting, inheritance tax (IHT) and Capital Gains tax guides and supports you throughout.
Once we’ve checked the Will, we will value the Estate, check the IHT position and if necessary, apply for the Grant of Probate. On receipt, we will gather assets, pay debts, finalise Estate tax position , distribute remaining assets to beneficiaries and prepare the Estate accounts.
If we’ve worked together already, we will have first hand knowledge of the Estate, but you don’t have to have been a client. We will help you to gather all the required details, apply for probate if needed, and administer the Estate.
Once the assets are distributed, we will make sure the future tax implications of receiving them are understood by the recipients.
Call Kay Brookes or Ian Neal, without obligation, to see how we can help, telephone 01332 365855.
Bates Weston Probate LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership. Registered in England and Wales OC429514. Registered Office: The Mills, Canal Street, Derby DE1 2RJ. A full list of members can be found at the office. Bates Weston Probate LLP is licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales.